Kill Rejection with Positive Motivation
by Andi Lutz
Rejection is everywhere. Every time someone unsubscribes from my website I feel it like a punch to my self-confidence. Am I really good enough for this writing thing. Why don’t they want to read what I have to say? Did I write something they didn’t like?
But you can’t please everyone. It’s going to happen, you are going to get rejected a lot as a writer. The thing is, you can’t stop just because someone tells you no, or that you need to work on so and so, or you aren’t good enough. You need to keep going, you need to write more to get to the place you want to be. You need more positive motivation and not to dwell on the negative.
There is positive motivation everywhere. Reach out to another writer and see if you want to be each other’s cheer leaders. Follow people who send out positive quotes. And one thing that I have done is print off the nice emails and comments that people give me, frame them, and hang them in my library so I don’t forget that there are people on my side, wanting to read everything I write. I am not alone, these are my Dear Readers, these are my fans, these are the precious people who keep me going. I write for myself, but I hold myself accountable every day for them. They are on the wall, in my house, telling me I can do it. And you can too.
On Writing