Then she changed
by Andi Lutz
About the time my daughter turned 5 months old I finally felt like I had a chance to breath, go to the bathroom, and sometimes shower. After 5 months of hard work, sleep deprivation, and more sleep deprivation I felt like I might be getting the hang of this and then she changed. She wouldn’t nap for more than 35 minutes. My brain was turning to mush from doing only three things a day (breastfeeding, changing diapers, trying to get her to sleep) and not really using my brain anymore. I thought, when will this all end? When will I get my old life back? When will I be able to do just one of the things that I used to do?
Never, the answer was never, or it seemed like it. I have always been the type of person with a little kid mentality. I think Christmas is never going to come, nothing will ever change. I have the hardest time imagining that she will ever be any older. My baby will never be able to sleep through the night. She will never be able to wipe her own cute little tushy. She will never eat solid foods. And I will be stuck in this Ground Hog day with a baby who can’t sooth herself and gets bored of everything after only 10 minutes. Then all of the sudden she changed, she no longer layed on her face and cried during tummy time. She lifted her head and tried to grab her toys, she pushed herself backwards on her tummy, she could move all on her own. And I think, when did this happen, she’s changed and I feel like it’s all going by so fast and if I blink I might miss something.
& Baby Makes 3